Monday, July 31, 2006

Just a quick one

Chemo is done. :D


Still have a cough but the antibiotic seems to be helping so it was definitely more than "just a cold." I'm deep in chemo-fog land with all that goes with it. So glad I won't be getting dumped back into once it's gone this time.

I am *finally* seeing the plastic surgeon of my choice today. He's not in our HMO so you can imagine the hoops we had to jump through to get coverage for the consult. Hoping getting coverage for my reconstruction (cute little perky Barbie boobs) will be easier now that the raod is paved.

More later...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that your chemo is over - ready for the next step! I had THE BEST plastic surgeon for my reconstruction! I am very pleased with the outcome. There are lots of little 'details' that you need to ask about, of course. I have never regretted my decision.

Anonymous said...

Yeahh!! so when do the new boobs come??
Can we have an unveiling party for them?

Margie Higuchi said...

YEAH!!! So happy for you! The next step should be interesting...I can only imagine how many details you need to cover! Good luck! MargieH