Saturday, July 15, 2006

The morning after

I KNEW it would be a better day!

Not quite good enough to insert a happy dance. :P But SIGNIFICANTLY better than yesterday! Sleep is an amazing thing. So are all the positive thoughts and prayers that are sent my way. :) I appreciate them more than words can ever say.

I took a bigger dose of Ambien last night. I slept from probably 10 pm to 6 am. :) Love that sleeping through the night thing! Not being exhausted makes such a huge difference in being able to handle all the other side effects that go with this poison coursing through my veins and out my bladder. You should see the interesting colors. And no, I'm not taking a picture. LOL! It wouldn;t show well anyway with our circa-1950 colored toilets. It's now 8am. I've had almost 2 full 8 oz glasses of water (mostly to get the 10 meds down) and I'm working on a cup of herbal tea (pina colada and vanilla bean mixed, from Teavana) to maybe soothe that scratchy throat that started on Thursday night. Rachel and I went a little nuts in Teavana and came home with a bunch of interesting flavors a few weeks ago.. things like banana, black raspberry, vanilla bean and our favorite, pina colada. They have so many flavors out to sample, all flavored with honey (which we don't normally use at home) so they all taste incredible. Some need a little work though (ie sweetening, so maybe I should add some honey. LOL)

It's supposed to be very hot again today, so I plan to take it easy. Would love to scrap a little today, but I say that to myself everyday and have only done a few cards and just one layout in the last month or so. All the cards were thank yous to mail out, didn't scan a single one. No PC submissions at all... felt a little left out when the emails went out yesterday but I didn't submit a thing. I know this is foreign talk to my non-scrapper readers. LOL!

Today is a roll with the flow day.


Margie Higuchi said...

OMGosh!!! Melissa! Thought I click onto your blog from your 2Peas siggy and I discovered this! BIG {{{hugs}}} to you! I read from "The History of Breast Cancer" and I'm in shock! But I SO admire you for your attitude and your honest account of your journey! I will pray for you & your family that you will get through this and get back to your life! MargieH from NJScrappers (well, actually in Chicago) xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi, Melissa!

Add me to the list of those who had no idea that you are going through this. I also found your blog through 2Peas. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for your speedy recovery.

Jenn Borowski