Sunday, July 23, 2006


I am obsessing over my eyebrows.

They have not fallen out. Actually, it's getting close to the point where they could use a little shaping. Normally, I'd be plucking the stragglers by now. I just can't get myself to do it. What if my eyebrows do start thinning or falling out altogether and THAT one hair is one that was NOT going to fall out????? I don't even like to touch them for fear that I might accelerate the process. Rationally, I know what's going to happen is going to happen. Touching them isn't giong to change anything. My hair has stopped falling out. (Probably going to start falling out again today just bc I wrote that!) I rarely have to shave my legs. Still, I read about others who lost their eyebrows after treatment. I have just one treatment to go, so this could easily be in my immediate future.

I keep looking at eyebrow products on-line, just in case. I can't believe how much is out there for making your own eyebrows or filling in sparse ones! Never been an issue here! I've always had more than enough eyebrow hair of my own. Can't decide whether I should go ahead and get some stencils and powders and the like just to have on hand. I probably will for when we go on vacation at the end of next month. It would just be yet another insult to have them fall out while we are away and not be able to do anything about it.

On other fronts, still fighting that stupid cold. Don't have much of a voice. Still tired compared to normal, the new normal that is. It's a little easier to handle without chemo fog making it a million times worse. Hoping it clears very quickly now so I can get a few good days in before my last treatment. Yes, the LAST one!! Sincerely hoping I'm better and it's not postponed.


Jennifer Stewart said...


So glad to hear you are almost thru with treatments! I hope you get over that cold soon.


Anonymous said...

I felt the same way about my eyebrows, they thinned a little, but never fell out completely. I finally shaped them for the first time last week-3 months after finishing chemo...oh well