Friday, July 21, 2006

Is it over yet? TGIF

Haven't been updating bc it's just been a lousy week. This cold, on top of chemo, has totally done me in.

On Wed, while driving Rachel to dance camp, I ended up getting dizzy and short of breath. Called the oncologist's office (I was just around the corner) and drove right over. Ended up getting a quick dose of steroids and a nebulizer treatment for my asthma along with fluids for a few hours. My lifesaver of a friend, Patria, came and picked me and took me to my internist. Ended up getting another nebulizer treatment there. By then, I was feeling better (not normal, just better) and we were able to go out for lunch. :) Umm... next time we need to have lunch, I'll try to arrange it so it's not an emergency!

And so much for chemo-pause. Chemo typically puts a lot of women into a temporary or not so temporary (depending on your age) menopause. Let's just say that's not an issue here.

On the fun side, I did a last minute layout for Sherry Laffoon and Meridith Watson's new paper line (Bella Fleur) with Sonburn for CHA (Craft and Hobby Association trade show). Beautiful papers!


Anonymous said...

Hope you start feeling better soon!

Robyn said...

Gorgeous layout! I hope you feel better soon. I'll be thinking of you!