Thursday, July 27, 2006

T-12 and counting down!

This time tomorrow, I will be recovering from my last dose of adriamycin and cytoxan.

My sister is coming over in the morning. We'll take Rachel to camp and then head to the office for my 9:30 am appointment. They'll access my port and take some blood. Then, once the results are back, I'll see the oncologist. At 10:00 am, they'll start my pre-meds and then I'll get the chemo. Should be done by noon. :) Then, I'll try to take a nap (not too hard bc of the benedryl) and head back to dancing school for Rachel's show at 3pm. That's my day.

I have my meds lined up and ready to go. I am DEFINITELY taking a sleeping pill tonight, even though I don't know if I need it. In additional to all the other horrible things that went wrong with cycle 3 (didn't post about them all but some are due to forgetting meds), I didn't sleep well the night before. I had a touch of the "I don't want to do this!!!!" anxiety. I don't have that now. Just a relief and some excitement about this being over. It's just hard to wrap myself around the concept that I still have to recover the following week or two. So many emotions. I am still upset that I had to do this. Still angry it happened to me. Still have so much ahead- surgeries, another 5 yrs of medication, and learning to live with that nagging fear of recurence.

I'm looking forward to food tasting normal again. These drugs cause an odd taste in your mouth, a not so nice one at that.

I'm looking forward to not having chemo-fog anymore.

I'm looking forward to the constant acid indigestion stuff going away! (fellow chemo girls, if it doesn't go away, I don't need to know now. tell me in a few weeks! OK? LOL)

I'm looking forward to not having to remember the last time I had a bowel movement and not having to take meds to make that happen. TMI? Oh well. LOL

My hair. Yes, I am looking forward to my hair. I still haven't lost it all. I don't have enough hair to go public and I have too much hair to go public as a bald woman. Not that I'm asking to lose it. As much as I like my wig, I want it to grow again. QUICKLY. VERY QUICKLY.

Most of all, I am looking forward to being DONE!

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