Monday, September 25, 2006

2 down, 2 to go!

Yup. Two drains out! Woohooo!!!!

Two more to go.

I was told to stop all my exercises except shoulder rolls. Not like I was working out or anything. LOL! I was just working on little things like slowly raising my arms higher every day. No more until the last drains come and things settle down more. I'm allowed to move them to brush my teeth, get washed, etc. Nothing else.

I had been told last week that we might start fills this week (ie. filling the expanders with saline.. blowing up the balloons essentially). No such luck. It will be re-assessed next week. The expanders are already half way filled, so I am starting at the half way point already.

Stopped by the gyn onc office today too. My huge cyst was just read as a "simple cyst." How boring. LOL. And how wonderful it is to be boring!!!!!!! The washings were all fine and there was nothing wrong with my fallopian tubes. nice and dull, the way we like pathology to be.

The best thing I did today was that pedicure. Oh my. That was amazing. I've never had one at all before. This was some kind of "gel reflexology" pedicure. It was a normal pedicure plus the water thingy was filled with a warm gel. That was followed by some kind of cream application that went up to my knees, followed by what seemed to be an exfoliating rub (also up to my knees) and then two other creams/lotions. All accompanied by a foot and leg message. Then, after she did my nails, while they were drying, I was treated to an amazing back massage. For someone just out of this surgery, with all the tight muscles in my back, it was the most amazing thing. I cannot begin to explain how wonderful. All thanks to my friend, Annette, who totally spoiled me rotten today.. and everyday! Poor Patria. After all that, she got to take me to the plastic surgeon to get my drains removed. LOL. And to the gyn onc's office too. We did get to have a quick lunch afterwards though. :)


Annalisa said...

I have followed your journey for the past month because your story hit close to home (my mom has been going through something amazingly similar, although she has only finished her second round of chemo, two more to go).
You have been so positive all along, I hope you know how strong you are!
You are doing wonderfully!

Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa,
Just checking to see how you're doing. Glad to hear that you had that pedicure, and that you're taking it easy.
Lots of prayers and good vibes being sent you way :)

Anonymous said...

I had breast surgery when I was a teenager (big boob syndrome) and I had those stupid drains...well one came unplugged and it leaked blood and "stuff" all over the bed. I was still in the hospital at that point but I was halucinating that I was bleeding all over the place. Talk about scaring a poor, drugged up 16 year old to death.

You can't lift your arms up too high too fast. I found that the hard way and stretched my scars way out. I literally felt the skin ssssttttrrrreeeetttcccchhhh it was the grossest tugging sensation. Yuck.

The good news is...the scars heal. The color fades. The reminders that you had the surgery while they are there all the time, it doesn't stay in your every waking moment.

Hope you feel really good soon. Those new boobs I am sure will rock the house down. You should now be able to wear a bikini right? Before it might have been out of the question but you are the new and improved Melissa!

Will post again soon. You don't have to approve this post. I am not signing my name just because of the personal information I posted above. I just wrote this to encourage you along the journey and to continue to know we are right there beside you all the way!
