Monday, October 30, 2006

Wedding Pictures!

I know some wanted to see what I ended up in for my Dad's wedding 2 weeks ago, so here are a few. I handed my camera off just twice, so this is it. They are all unedited. If I took the time to edit them at all, they'd never get up here! Fortunately, the paid photographer took plenty of each and every grouping, rearranging people and furniture along the way. I'm looking forward to seeing those proofs, especially the portrait we had done of just us three "kids" (my sister, my brother and I).

Arlene's sister took the ones of Rachel and I. She must be another shutterbug at heart bc she took several and turned the camera to get different views. Love her already! I guess she's my step-aunt? At Rachel's request, I'm going to share two of them so you can see the lower half of our outfits. [edit: I can't seem to get the better shot loaded, but you couldn't see our skirts in that one anyway!]

Here's the family. This is my MIL, dh, Rachel and myself. I handed the camera to my brother for this set. They took several of just the three of us and several with MIL too, but this the only one my brother snapped. While he might have inherited that from my parents (or perhaps he didn't want to get in the way of the real photographers), fortunately he did not inherit their total inability to take a photo. :)

And yes, I'm actually wearing makeup. I'm sure I'm a little flushed and that's not too much blush!

BTW, I just can't help but point out that my bricks.. um expanders... are only a teeny tiny bit larger in these photos than my actual implants will be in 3 months. That velvet jacket is a good two sizes smaller than I would have needed a few months ago. Even with my weight gain. I'll actually be smaller bc I'm still quite swollen on the sides in these photos. Of course, I'm still quite swollen on the sides at the present time too, but you can't see me. At least I hope not. LOL

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