Thursday, September 13, 2007

L'Shana Tova

Happy New Year! For the uninitiated, that's what Rosh Hashana is and l'shona tova is my wish to you all for a happy, healthy and sweet new year.

And now for a little newsflash:
It took one week to put it on and two weeks to take it off. Nevertheless, I am happy to report that I have lost the weight I put on during the cruise. Funny how I still managed to gain weight despite being pretty careful about what I ate and exercising daily!!

It's so strange to scroll down and see that photo from my birthday last year. It still is just as surreal as it was when it was happening. And while I admit that I am now happy with my curls, it still is odd to see photos because it's not how I picture myself. In my mind, I still look more like my profile pic on this site- straighter hair, with waves, not loose curls everywhere.

That's all.. just some random thoughts for the day. I'm now about 1/2 way through this stint at working full time. I suppose I should call it full time plus as I'm doing anywhere from 48-84 hours a week. It's like residency all over again except I have a little more "off" time than I did back then!

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