Friday, December 08, 2006

I did it again!

Maybe that title is not quite correct.

It might not be "again." We might want to count this as a first time.

I went out without my wig.

Not just a little drive in the car "out" like I do often when I drive Rachel to school. I always wear a hat then anyway. Not a taking my wig off once I got somewhere comfortable. Not going into NYC and keeping a hat of some sort on my head all day like I did at the NYC Marathon last month. It doesn't matter what your hair looks like in NYC. No one will give you a pitiful look bc there are people that either shave their heads or wear it super short or even pink on purpose in NYC all over the place.

This was an actual trip into the car and out of it without a wig at all. I took Rachel to school and then went to physical therapy without a wig OR a hat. Yes, it is about 25 degrees out so I did wear a hat outside, but once inside, I went wig-less and hat-less. I feel like Wonder Woman again! Maybe I'll wear those PJs tonight.

Not sure if I ever shared this on the blog, but I bought myself Wonder Woman PJs to wear for after my surgery in Sept. I bought them in the juniors dept at Kohls, something else I was proud of bc of the weight loss I had before I was diagnosed. Unfortunately, I forgot I'd be smaller on top and the top is HUGE now. LOL.

Anyway, back to the story. I went to PT and got tons of compliments on how long my hair is now and how cute it is. It really does NOT feel cute. Maybe it's one of those things I'll look back on and think it actually was cute. I am truly looking forward (I do that a lot, don't I? always looking forward) to being able to look back and decide for myself on the cuteness factor. I think it could be cute with another inch or so. Even another 1/2 inch might help so I could put a little gel or mousse in. I saw a woman at the gym today with a very cute shorter haircut and found myself wondering how long it would be until my hair would be that long. I'm thinking not at least until the summer. I'm also thinking that perhaps in January, I will start going wigless on a regular basis. Maybe.

Also about PT.. I finally went back, obviously. I've not gone for a good three weeks, maybe more. We went on vacation. Then, there was that humongous bill (not as big as the incorrect surgery bill) bc the hospital billed it incorrectly. Didn't want to go until that was straightened out. Then there were all the aches and pains I had and still have that we now know is from the medication I take to keep my estrogen deprived (helps keep the cancer from making an encore appearance... didn't like this show.. no need for an encore, thank you). Lots of excuses. I have made the not so startling discovery that if I keep moving, not only do my joints not hurt, but I feel better. I am in a 100000000x better mood having worked out for 90 minutes today than I have been in a few weeks. I have to force myself to create the time and do this not just for my long term physical health (decreases the recurrence rates, helps prevent osteoporosis which is so important now that I am in menopause, and helps to decrease heart disease which is something else I'm prone to by family history... and what kills MORE women than anything else!!). My mental health definitely depends on exercise too. With figuring out that I need to keep moving, I've lost 2 of the 10 lbs I've gained since diagnosis (most of it since the surgery). :) Not a bad thing either!

This is Nutcracker weekend. Nutcracker all weekend long... and then it is done. :) Rachel actually does not have rehearsal today, so we are going carolling at a nursing home with some school friends this afternoon. While I am feeling a bit like Wonder Woman, I don't think I'm going to "bare it" at either event. It really is too cold!

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