Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Me Nobody Knows

The reaction to my new look has been a bit underwhelming.

No kidding.

The first day, I picked Rachel up at school and no one said a word. Not an adult. Not a single child. We did manage to get out of there pretty quickly (tight schedule on Wednesdays), so maybe that had something to do with it. I'm not sure.

Next, I dropped Rachel off at dance. One of her teachers complimented me on my new chic haircut. :) The studio manager, who did know I had been wearing a wig, also paid me a compliment. No one else said a word and no one said a word on Friday either.

Then, I headed off to work. After a pretty uneventful reveal so far, I thought this would be where the most reactions would come in. Nope. Not much of a reaction at all. Want to know why? It turns out people simply do not recognize me like this!

It's happened several times since then. People just do not recognize me like this.

I do sometimes get a reaction once they realize who I am. Maybe some people are afraid to say something.

I have to say it is not good for my self esteem. I feel invisible (not a bad thing at times) and unattractive. I hate my hair like this and would never chose to wear it this short on purpose. My camera is in Nikon's intensive care unit (aka at Nikon for servicing) so I can't share a picture. My description will have to suffice. I am ever so happy that it is growing back quickly. However, it is growing back in all directions at once! The top curls up and over towards one side. The back curls mostly up. And I don't mean the bottom of the back. I mean most of the hair on the back of my head is growing up instead of down!! There's a section on the right side of my head that is growing normally- down. But the rest of the right side is curling either back or up and out! The left side is doing something completely different. Part is curling up and back, part is curling forwards. It's all just one curly mess! Hair products, you say? I've now tried with and without gel and mousse. Have not tried them together. I don't think it makes much of a difference at this point. It's a mess whether I try to accentuate the curls or if I try to flatten it down. Especially the latter.

So that's where I am.

I suppose it will take time to get used to it. Me AND everyone else!


Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa, I've posted on your blog once or twice before. I'm so glad you're recovering!

Your hair sounds like a bit of a challenge right now. Since it is growing every which way have you thought of a flat iron? Ceramic flat irons totally rock & they don't damage your hair. Personally, I like the Chi iron. You could definitely get it all going one way with that.

Anyway, I realize that was totally unasked for advice. The most important part of my comment is that I'm glad you're healing!


Dawn said...

Hey Melissa - Congrats on ditching the wig. I know exactly how hard it is. Very hard! I am not a short hair person either, so it's hard to believe the compliments people give. But I honestly think they mean it! Anxiously awaiting a picture...

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa I am just checking in on you , My fellow Scrapbooker!! My hair is at the same stage as yours. I use this gel "Short Sexy Hair" and I plaster it on and comb it through. It at least gets it all going the same way :-) ... May be you need a "Coming Out (Of your Wig ) Party!! Any excuse for cake!!