Monday, January 22, 2007

And it keeps growing!

And that is a very good thing, indeed!!!

Reactions to the new look are improving.

I had lunch with a friend last week who asked if I had gotten a hair cut. :o Seriously. LOL! Another mom at dd's school asked if I had had it styled. I suppose it has finally grown in enough to look like I did this on purpose. :)

More evidence.
We went to my neice's first birthday party yesterday. My father actually asked me if I was wearing wig or if this was my hair. LOL. Dad, wigs don't come with gray hair. They are either all gray or not at all from what I have seen. And trust me, I've looked at more wigs in person, on-line and in catalogs than I have ever wanted. Dad does have this blog address now, so he might even read that. :)

My aunt said that I "look like a doctor now." Hmmm... what did I look like before? I've been a doctor for 13+ years (wow! first time I added that up) and I didn't look like one before? LOL! I think it was a polite way to say I look older.

And on that note (the doctor note), my sister said when I walked in, she thought I did look just like Dr. Pam Formica. She was our family physician from the time I was 2 and was my mother's primary physician until the day she died (mom, not Pam). You know what? My sister is right.

It's still curly, but it is somehow easier to manage with a few more millimeters of growth. I'm still not a short-haired gal. I don't recognize myself in the mirror. I know I won't be content until it's at least a few inches longer. Maybe I'll miss these somewhat carefree days of toweling my hair dry and not needing to brush it. Somehow, I doubt it! :)

I know. I know. You want to see. At least some of you do.
I promise to not only take a new photo, but download it to the computer this week. The same week when my camera died, the card reader broke as well (I think that happened first). My camera has come home from Nikon safe and sound and looking better than ever. And, we have a new card reader. All systems are go. This week. I promise. :)


Prachi Wicks said...

Hi Mellissa... I check in on your blog from time to time and I'm going to come out of hiding....

I just not a short haired girl either... I blame it on the fact that I had a boy cut as a child so my mom wouldn't have to spend to take care of my hair.

Looking forward to seeing your new do (not that I've ever met you in person to know the difference)

Stefanie said...

Can't wait to see photos! And thanks for posting some negativity a couple of posts down - makes me feel normal during my bad days. :-)