Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Lost Photo Saga, Take Two

They've been rescued and recovered!!!!

As I lamented in a post last month, we had a photo accident. All the photos I had taken since my camera came home from Nikon's ICU (intensive camera unit.. lol) were lost. I thought they had been burned on a CD (NOT), so I had reformatted my card and took pictures at my nephew's christening. A friend who owns recovery software offered to take a look. Not holding out much hope, I mailed the card across the continent. Sue worked her magic and lo and behold.... 299 images were recovered!!! The Disney trip and Rachel's birthday included!!!

{insert happy dance here} :D


Christy said...

Melissa! I read about your photo recovery on your site and what you posted on my blog! Can you find out from your friend what program it was she used? I would also totally be willing to send my card to her and pay her to recover the photos.

Let me know!
Christy Tomlinson

Kim said...

Excellent news! I know first hand what you went through thinking the photos were lost. My computer crashed last year and I have been told that they can't fix it. I replaced the computer, but I am still holding on the tower in the hopes that someday, I can find someone to recover the photos!

Unknown said...

WOW that is such good news!!! Hail to Sue the miracle worker!! :D