Monday, June 25, 2007

Shock and Awe!

After all the trauma of being rejected, I just got word that my next reconstruction surgery has been approved after all!!!!!

Apparently, there is no straight foward way to do these things. The method by which it was finally approved and with my own surgeon was more than a bit convoluted. That's OK. It happened. :D I am going to ask how much they plan to pay in advance after the "only paying for one breast when I had 2 removed" fiasco of the last few months. It took about 3 months, maybe more, to get them to cough up the full amount for my exchange surgery (when the actual implants were placed).

For my scrappy friends, this means a 99% chance I will not be at CHA-S. My surgery will be just a few days before that. I'll have to just be there in spirit... and in paper and photos. LOL. I'll have some layouts and photos in various places on the exhibit floor. I am so very sorry that I am going to miss seeing Stef, Dana, and Genine (no blog that I know of). These three are my fellow young breast cancer scrap industry related friends. We've been through the mill together. Dana set us all on the way as she did this a full year before me. Genine and I went through a good part of treatment around the same time. Stef followed me by several months. We are all finished with the most active treatment now and all of us, except me, will be in Chicago for a weekend in July. You kind find lots of Stef's work in PaperCrafts Magazine, Dana has her own paper line and Genine, until recently, had her own lss. She and I will have art therapy journals in an upcoming book from Sharon Soneff next year. :)

It really hasn't sunk in yet. I can't believe it. So tired of the insurance company games.


Jenn said...

I am really glad the reconstruction was approved. Dealing with the insurance companies never seems to be easy or pleasant.

Margie Higuchi said...

Melissa, I am so sorry you had to ride this wave of insurance issues! But was happy to read that it will was approved! Hang in there, my friend! I'm being selfish but was hoping to meet you face-to-face @ CHA...maybe next year? Continued good & positive thoughts your way! Big hugs!

danahollis said...

Awww... I was hoping you'd be at CHA, too. :(

But... so glad you are geting through with another milestone!!! Woohoo... maybe we can all get off this roller coaster for good, huh? ;)
