Saturday, February 10, 2007

This and That

Thank you all so much for the suggestions!!

I ended up picking up 3 books at Target last week. They were having a buy 2 get 1 free sale for certain titles. I ended up with the 10th Circle, The Alchemist and a historical fiction book about Marie Antoinette. I also have Snow Flower and The Secret Fan, Running with Scissors and For One More Day on order. They should arrive sometime next week. I think I'm stocked for now. I'm adding many of the other suggestions to my Amazon wish list because I'll need more for vacation in March. :) I did a ton of reading this summer while living in chemoland and a bit more while recovering this fall, so I had already read a good number of the suggestions. It took reading the descriptions or seeing the covers to remember what I had actually read instead of just looked at before! Just call me chemobrain girl.

It's funny the things you remember and the things you don't. I can vividly remember the morning I stayed in bed, nervous but deep in chemo fog and exhaustion. Nervous, you ask? Yes. Nervous. That's what happens when your 9 yr old is making eggs for breakfast waaaayyyy on the other side of the house and keeps coming back to ask questions. If I let her have a little more freedom in the kitchen and if she had a little more time, she'd be the next Rachel Ray. She really does love creating in the kitchen. This, the day she learned to use the stove, I remember. I was just thinking back to how much I don't remember. I can't remember the night before the million and one surgeries back in Sept. I can't remember if Rachel spent the night at home or not (she didn't.. it was an early case.. she had to have been at the Sullivans.. I just don't have that memory). I remember the day when I had the strength to open the fridge and warm something up in the microwave. I cannot remember what I did for food on those other days when I was home alone just after discharge from the hospital. And, while I've gotten accustomed to the look of tissue expanders, I still remember what it was like to have breasts that moved and breasts that were actually compressible and soft.

I haven't blogged this week and I haven't written in my journal either. I kept thinking about it. Wrote long, detailed, insightful entries in my head. I'm anxious again. It's very reminscent of when I had the port placed. I do mention it somewhere in the archives, but the actual incident happened before I started blogging about this. I was in such an incredible panic about getting a port. It wasn't about having a port. It was having the port placed. It was a control issue. This time, it's not about actually getting the implants. It's not about having surgery. It's about the recovery. I did what I tell others not to do. I read reports from others who've had this done and I panicked. While I hate the feeling of these bricks masquerading as breasts on my chest, I am so very much dreading recovering again. I was thinking that this wasn't a control thing. That I've learned to give up control. But it's not true, is it? Recovery is about giving up control again. I know it's temporary. The good news is that I read some posts today about recovery from exchange surgery on a different site today and I'm feeling better about the whole thing! The reality is that I just need to wait and see. Dh says I am always over optomistic and over estimate how quickly I'll recover. He is right. I'm still hoping for the best thought! And still hoping I can take Rachel into NYC 4 days later to meet up with some on-line breast cancer gals and catch the ballet matinee at Lincoln Center.

Once again, there's not too much time to dwell on these things. I'm working today. Tomorrow is a morning playdate so Rachel and a friend can rehearse for the school talent show. Her flute recital is that afternoon. Monday is my visit with the oncologist and Tuesday is the big event.


Dawn said...

Hi Melissa - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy the recovery is from this surgery. By far the easiest of all I've gone through. And there's something to be said for getting soft, compressible boobs back. And just wait for a month or two, you won't believe how good they look or how good they feel. It's so worth it! Here's to soft boobs!

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you this week. Good luck!