Friday, February 16, 2007


That's post-op day 3 in medical-ese.

I succeeded in falling asleep at a reasonable hour last night in hopes of putting my days and nights back in the right order. Even slept straight through til sometime around 6 am.

Didn't do much good.

I am admitting that I am totally exhausted and sore. Very sore. Very exhausted. So exhausted that I am actually sleeping through the phone ringing. Knowing that normally I can answer the phone on the first ring and sound as if I'd been wide awake waiting for the call and knowing that after such a call, I can normally jump out of bed and and perform surgery, deliver a baby or even make some sort of life saving decision, means that, well, I am tired.

I'll be back to my perky self, with my perky but swollen silicone boobs, another day. Just not today.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

I'm not glad that you're exhausted and sore, but I am glad that you updated. I was getting worried about you, and I was about to call. Of course, you wouldn't have answered the phone. ;-) Take it easy and rest - there's no where to go but up!