Sunday, July 05, 2009

When it's time to change...

After 3 years, I finally decided to update my profile photo.

What you've seen on every previous visit to my blog was a photo taken in 2006, not long before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Not that it was perfectly straight hair, but it was ever so much straighter than it is today. I've held on to that photo for far too long. It was understandable when I had no hair and even understandable as it grew back. I've gone from tight post-chemo curls to looser, more moderate curls and that's just where it is staying. That previous profile photo has not looked like me for a very long time.

(And of course, if you are reading this from Facebook.. you have no idea what I'm talking about because I've actually kept those photos slightly more up to date.)

1 comment:

Mimi said...

You look absolutely adorable!